Audio:QS110601.AIF C-box:What disaster caused a million starving immigrants to flee to the United States in the 1840s? BallLoc: LineNum: GeoBytesUsed:6 PaletteNeutralPic: A-box or Headline5:N/A A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:Irish Potato Famine*QS110602.AIF* Wrong 1:World War I Wrong 2:The Black Death Wrong 3:The Dust Bowl Wrong 4:The Crusades Wrong 5:The Inquisition Wrong 6:The Cold War Wrong 7:The African Famine Wrong 8:World War II GeoByte1:The potato famine started thousands of miles from Ireland. In 1844 a disease attacked potato plants in North America and destroyed the entire potato crop! GeoByte2:When Irish peasants harvested their potato crops in 1845, all they pulled from the soil were blackened, rotten potatoes that were completely inedible. GeoByte3:The Irish poor who could scrape up enough money to book passage on ships headed for the United States and Canada escaped certain starvation in Ireland. GeoByte4:The potato blight continued for six years, killing over a million and a half people. Another million fled Ireland. GeoByte5:By the end of the famine, Ireland had lost one in every four of its citizens (over 2-1/2 million people) to either death or emigration. GeoByte6:The problem of burying the hundreds of thousands of famine victims created an outbreak of several life-threatening diseases—typhus, cholera and dysentery. GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: FirstPictCast:["HQ110120.PIC", "HQ110220.PIC", "HQ110320.PIC", "HQ110420.PIC", "HQ110520.PIC", "HQ110620.PIC", "HQ110720.PIC", "HQ110820.PIC", "HQ110920.PIC", "HQ111020.PIC"]* VideoReward:#none Palette:PaletteQ6 StartVideo:HQ110620.MOV EndVideo:HQ110695.MOV QuestionVideo:HQ110650.MOV Glossary Start Glossary End